Interesting Goodies, Web, Photos, Writing, & More
Month: <span>October 2017</span>

Month: October 2017

The Famous Watermelon

The Lincoln Watermelon
This aluminum statue of a watermelon in Lincoln, IL commemorates the naming of the town by Abraham Lincoln. Associates of Lincoln suggested the name, and the future president christened the town by pouring juice from a watermelon that had been scooped out with a tin cup. Mr. Lincoln is reported to have said at the moment, “I’ve never known anything by the name of Lincoln that has ever amounted to much.”

And the Fog Rolled In …

As the Halloween approaches I am reminded of this incident:   One Friday afternoon a call was patched through to my line. The caller was inquiring if we handled a particular model of fog machine.  The unit in question was manufactured by Martin, and was probably the largest “over the …

Cases, Monitors, and Foam

I was cleaning my desk today. As I was doing that task I was mumbling and grumbling about all the “technology stuff” that was in the way. Typically, I work with two computers, and sometimes three, cooking at any given moment. I have been known to have all four cranking …